
A photography blog and website showcasing the amazing work of Paul Jospeh Brown


Paul Joseph Brown had just finished his degree in economics and politics at the University of Toronto and was headed for a career in law and the Foreign Service when his parents gave him a camera for his graduation. That gift reset his trajectory and launched a 30-year career in journalism.

Paul has worked on assignment in 17 countries, on five continents, covering wars, revolutions, famine and genocide, and won some of the highest national and international awards for photojournalism. He has documented poverty and global health challenges throughout Central America, Asia, and Africa, and maternal health research and development programs in India and Bangladesh.

Combining a documentarian’s understanding of how to distill a complex story, a journalistic sixth sense for what the public needs to know, a social worker’s ability to connect with diverse people in difficult circumstances, and a photographer’s skill at creating powerful imagery regardless of the subject matter, Brown founded Global Health Photo to provide powerful visual narratives that move people to change the way they look at the world.


Paul also helps his partner Lisa with The Perigee fund.
